Midweek Metagame

Gabriel Nassif, Patrick Robertson and Piotr ’Kanister’ Glogowski catch you up on the latest of competitive Magic and share what they’ve been up to.

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Wednesday Jul 01, 2020

This week is all about Standard and Modern! With M21 out we talked about the impact it has had on the metagame with the testing we have done. With Gab also making top 8 of the Modern Challenge we also had some Sultai to discuss.
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020

This week is all about Standard and Modern! With Gab making Top 4 of PTArena4 we had loads of UW to be talking about. We also go over M21 spoilers we like at the end too!
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020

This week is all about Modern Sultai Control and Standard Testing! Join us in the talk of Gab's Modern Challenge win/Standard Testing for the PT, Harry's Modern Testing and Pat's insight on both!
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020

This week is all about what we have been testing! With Gab playing Standard, Harry playing Modern & Pat on Pioneer we all had a lot to talk about. Towards the end we even address some M21 spoilers we think are playable!
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Monday Jun 01, 2020

This week is all about the Companion change and the new B&R! These are our first impressions and thoughts so go easy on us ;)
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Wednesday May 27, 2020

This week we talk about the Organised Play annoucements & our testing in Modern/Pioneer!
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Wednesday May 20, 2020

This week is mostly about Modern! With Gab making top 8 of the Modern Challenge with Scapeshift Yorion we had to talk about it. We also have a cool Patreon Question:
"What has been your most awkward judge call?"
which also brought up some interesting stories.
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart

Wednesday May 13, 2020

Thanks to AspiringSpike for joining us!
This week is all about AspiringSpikes 2 top finishes on MTGO, including a PTQ win! Also with Gab making the finals of the MagicFest Online Finals he also had some Standard to go over.
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg

Wednesday May 06, 2020

This week is all Arena! With special guest Oliver Tiu! After winning the most recent Magic Fest Online beating Gab in the QuarterFinals we had to have him on!
Oliver's Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheTiuTangClan
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

This week is all about what we have been playing! We know that everyone is talking about a Lurrus ban so we decided to avoid that topic as much as possible and just focused on the formats at hand.
Enjoyed the episode? Don't forget to follow the Podcast and our Social Media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MidweekMetagame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidweekMetagame
Gab: https://twitter.com/gabnassif
Harry: https://twitter.com/harrymtg
Pat: https://twitter.com/ghett_smart

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